Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Wild Child Bus
Photo taken in Venice, CA. Song stuck in my head (perfect for playing when sitting at the back of the bus): "Real Wild Child" by Iggy Pop.

Kelangsungan hidup suatu suku bangsa salah satunya ditentukan dengan identitas diri suku bangsa tersebut. Negara berkembang merupakan negara yang rawan akan identitas dirinya, apalagi dengan adanya globalisasi atau intervensi dari negara – negara maju. Banyak dari masyarakat di negara berkembang yang belum siap dengan adanya perubahan yang terjadi di negaranya, lalu mereka mencari identitas dirinya dengan mengadopsi kebudayaan – kebudayaan asing yang kadang justru bertentangan dengan adat maupun norma – norma yang berlaku di masyarakat itu sendiri. Kadang mereka juga tidak selektif dalam hal memilih mana yang baik dan yang buruk dalam mengadopsi kebudayaan – kebudayaan asing tersebut. Yang lebih parah lagi, bagi mereka sebuah identitas pribadi sudah cukup mewakili dirinya atau bangsanyatanpa dengan adanya landasan norma- norma yang berlaku di masyarakatnya. Yang akhirnya, terjadilah krisis identitas sehingga kesenjangan – kesenjangan sosial pun terjadi dan tak dapat terelakan lagi.
Artikel ini diambil dari http://www.jakartaartawards.com/index.php?mib=lukisan.profile&id=110
Artikel ini diambil dari http://www.jakartaartawards.com/index.php?mib=lukisan.profile&id=110
Graffiti Sketches: Graffiti Alphabet Cool High Heels

Graffiti sketch on paper with the design of high-heeled shoes with graffiti alphabet and a beautiful color combination. Suitable for young children today. Graffiti alphabet in high heels cool
Graffiti Sketches: Graffiti Alphabet Cool High Heels

Graffiti sketch on paper with the design of high-heeled shoes with graffiti alphabet and a beautiful color combination. Suitable for young children today. Graffiti alphabet in high heels cool

Neon Light Graffiti Alphabet : Letters A - Z

Graffiti Alphabet in a model and a neon light rays so attractive and beautiful. Reminded how beautiful and interesting to make light of the current graffiti has evolved by combining the art of photography and camera technology. You will not be able to say that this is the usual graffiti because it is modern graffiti evolved with the progress of time available, graffiti continues to grow and become more imagination to adjust and follow consumer demand based on the era though graffiti existed since ancient times remains the basis and foundation as the birth of graffiti newer and innovative. Let us welcome the new era of graffiti. Graffiti light dazzling everyone will glare and make us lost in feelings.

Neon Light Graffiti Alphabet : Letters A - Z
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Neon Light Graffiti Alphabet : Letters A - Z
Graffiti Alphabet in a model and a neon light rays so attractive and beautiful. Reminded how beautiful and interesting to make light of the current graffiti has evolved by combining the art of photography and camera technology. You will not be able to say that this is the usual graffiti because it is modern graffiti evolved with the progress of time available, graffiti continues to grow and
Neon Light Graffiti Alphabet : Letters A - Z

Graffiti Alphabet in a model and a neon light rays so attractive and beautiful. Reminded how beautiful and interesting to make light of the current graffiti has evolved by combining the art of photography and camera technology. You will not be able to say that this is the usual graffiti because it is modern graffiti evolved with the progress of time available, graffiti continues to grow and become more imagination to adjust and follow consumer demand based on the era though graffiti existed since ancient times remains the basis and foundation as the birth of graffiti newer and innovative. Let us welcome the new era of graffiti. Graffiti light dazzling everyone will glare and make us lost in feelings.

Neon Light Graffiti Alphabet : Letters A - Z
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Graffiti Alphabet "T-Shirt" in the form of 4 Different Colors

Graffiti Alphabet "T-Shirt" in the form of 4 Different Colors
Please give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....
Monday, 29 November 2010
Graffiti Alphabet Letters In The Embodiment S

a large canvas created a work of graffiti alphabet letters with shades of varying colors that appear so fascinating because it highlights the affected color glitter lamps made more prominent and sharp.
works of graffiti alphabet letters with the preparation of a neat look to form a letter that is not familiar to us, namely the letter S
Any form of letters that we want we can pour such as the above works, you try to do to get better results and maximal.
please try right now, do not delay ...
Graffiti Fonts 2010

The use of fonts in the work of graffiti art really make progress is forward rapidly and great, because with the use of these fonts can be produced graffiti artwork of all kinds with different inspirations, too.
Please for the visitors of our respected for providing input and comment, thank you.

Kesombongan, keangkuhan, kemewahan, telah menjadi “Live style” masyarakat perkotaan, sikap individualisme pun menjadi rangkaiannya dalam gaya hidup tersebut, sehingga solidaritas kebersamaan dalam bermasyarakat menjadi sirna. Kearifan, keramahan yang menjadi harapan hanyalah menjadi text – text yang tersisa. Artikel diambil dari
Graffiti Alphabet : Letters A-Z (2010 BlackBooks Collection) by Guardian

Graffiti is an art image that has long existed since time immemorial. And now this graffiti art has developed into a broader and more adult in form and creativity, it is because graffiti can be aligned and developing following the era of the existing developments. The graffiti was just a scribble on the walls, which most people are a violation and some are of the opinion it has ruined the beauty. But the artist continues to grow to think of ways to graffiti on the wall not only made the street. Therefore, now many models such as graffiti with graffiti alphabets, graffiti letters, Banksy graffiti, graffiti 3D, and so forth are made in a paper as a collection of designs (blackbooks graffiti). Even as more sophisticated technology, graffiti can be made by using computers through applications Adobe Photoshop and CorelDraw, for example, is probably the light graffiti.

2010 almost over, and I tried to find some graffiti alphabet which would be the best in 2010. Incorporate them in a collection of the best alphabet graffiti. I am trying to find and assess in detail about the shape and character, I finally chose graffiti alphabet best of the best of all the graffiti that has been created by the artists of the world. Maybe you will not agree with my assessment, but I think this is the best I've ever found.

Please give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....
Graffiti Alphabet : Letters A-Z (2010 BlackBooks Collection) by Guardian
Graffiti is an art image that has long existed since time immemorial. And now this graffiti art has developed into a broader and more adult in form and creativity, it is because graffiti can be aligned and developing following the era of the existing developments. The graffiti was just a scribble on the walls, which most people are a violation and some are of the opinion it has ruined the beauty.
Graffiti Alphabet : Letters A-Z (2010 BlackBooks Collection) by Guardian

Graffiti is an art image that has long existed since time immemorial. And now this graffiti art has developed into a broader and more adult in form and creativity, it is because graffiti can be aligned and developing following the era of the existing developments. The graffiti was just a scribble on the walls, which most people are a violation and some are of the opinion it has ruined the beauty. But the artist continues to grow to think of ways to graffiti on the wall not only made the street. Therefore, now many models such as graffiti with graffiti alphabets, graffiti letters, Banksy graffiti, graffiti 3D, and so forth are made in a paper as a collection of designs (blackbooks graffiti). Even as more sophisticated technology, graffiti can be made by using computers through applications Adobe Photoshop and CorelDraw, for example, is probably the light graffiti.

2010 almost over, and I tried to find some graffiti alphabet which would be the best in 2010. Incorporate them in a collection of the best alphabet graffiti. I am trying to find and assess in detail about the shape and character, I finally chose graffiti alphabet best of the best of all the graffiti that has been created by the artists of the world. Maybe you will not agree with my assessment, but I think this is the best I've ever found.

Please give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....
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